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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ariel And Friends New Album Postponed

The plan will release new albums at once the name of the band fronted by Nazriel Irham aka Ariel, Lukman, CIU, Reza, and David end up messy. Studio Musica parties choose delaying release of the album and a new band Peterpan replacement.

Studio Musica record company boss, Indrawati Widjaja or more familiarly called Acin, justify it. He said, launching a new album of new cs Ariel will be done when the news about Ariel similar porn videos subsided.

"To release the album will be reschedule awaiting the appropriate time and conducive," Acin said when met while attending night conferment JITEC AMI Awards 2010 in Mangga Dua, Jakarta, Wednesday (06/09/2010) night.

Previously planned and a new album the band from Bandung that will released next month. The delay was made after the rampant circulation of pornographic video involving two similar male vocalist with a woman who looked like two stars ads, Luna Maya and Cut Tari, which was horrendous.

Acin asserted that the label still retains a great vocalist with a band called Peter's. The reason, according Acin, issues facing Ariel is a private matter and the label will not interfere in it.

"It must be (retained) and therefore, are not you, personally. And, Ariel was not a solo. Peterpan that under Musica itself," he explained.

Until now, Acin confess not yet met with Ariel because still equally busy. He himself admitted not watching a porn video that was a conversation in the midst of today's society.

"I do not know, do not want to know, and do not want to see the video because I am, right, ladies," he said.

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